Do You Need Lawn Treatments in Great Falls, VA, in September?

As we all know, there is no such thing as a “one-size-fits-all” recipe capable of killing all weeds on a property, no matter the season. An effective program of fertilization and lawn treatments in Great Falls, VA, has to consider the property’s needs on a seasonal or annual basis. In addition, there is no weed out there lacking a specific survival strategy. In other words, we cannot eliminate them because they have different life cycles and reproduction methods. Their seeds can lay dormant for years before germination, surviving drought, fire, and even chemical applications. It does not mean, however, that we cannot get rid of most of them. Today, our experts in lawn treatments in Great Falls, VA, are here to discuss pre-emergent weed control!

1. Pre-emergent herbicides only control germinating weed seeds

Pre-emergent treatments target only weeds that have not yet emerged from the soil. Therefore, to get the best results and avoid wasting time and money, your lawn treatments company in Great Falls, VA will apply these treatments when the weeds are not visible above the ground at the time of the application. The best time is, therefore, between August and November.

Keep in mind that pre-emergent herbicides will not control existing weeds or weed seeds.

2. Proper Mix and Coverage are Key to the Success of a Pre-Emergent Program

Your local lawn treatments experts in Great Falls, VA, know how to mix pre-emergent herbicides correctly to achieve the application’s appropriate strength. Moreover, thorough coverage is crucial. Pre-emergent herbicides should act as a blanket and cover an entire area through which the weed seeds won’t germinate. For this reason, it is best to hire specialized fertilization and weed control services in Great Falls, VA, instead of doing things on your own.

3. Pre-emergent Herbicides Need Watering After Application

Soaking the herbicides in water after application activates them, creating a barrier below the surface. If you don’t have an irrigation system on your property, your lawn treatments company in Great Falls, VA, will follow weather forecasts and apply the substances when they anticipate rain.

You need to know that you must apply the pre-emergent weed control substances before temperatures drop. For this reason, you should contact your local experts in fertilization and weed control as soon as possible. In addition, the temperature outside needs to be below 85 degrees during the application so the treatment can work.

A follow-up spring pre-emergent application around February or March, before the weather warms in the spring, is also mandatory, so call your local lawn treatments company in Great Falls, VA, today to devise a plan!