Step-By-Step Guide to a Weed-Free Lawn by Our Experts in Lawn Care in Great Falls VA

Weeds can easily take over your lawn behind your back especially when the turf is struggling. While weed killers work against them, there’s no universal weed annihilator out there. The only surefire way to keep weeds away from your turf is proper lawn maintenance. Take a look at this step-by-step guide to purging all the weeds in a yard by our experts in lawn care in Great Falls, VA., for some inspiration.

Step 1. Hunt Down the Weeds.

This one is a tedious work, but you can’t go without. Identify and pull any existent weeds in your turf manually. Make sure that the roots are out too and that no seed reaches the soil while you’re nixing them. If weeds have overpowered you, use a quality weed killer or an appropriate lawn treatment. Follow the package instructions carefully. Also, if you’re dealing with perennials don’ pull them out, as they might spawn again if root bits remain in the soil. Coat them with a weed killer and wait for it to kill the plant. You might need to repeat the procedure after one week if some plants have survived.

Step 2. Give the soil some TLC.

Once a year, it is best to give your lawn’s soil your undivided attention. A lawn that has been suffocated by weeds is a telltale sign that the soil may be in a less-than-ideal shape and that the turf is struggling. The secret to a weed-free lawn, according to our lawn care experts in Great Falls, VA is a healthy lawn which can fight off unwanted visitors, like pests and weeds, on its own. But a healthy lawn needs a well-cared-for soil.

First conduct a soil analysis and get a profile of your whole yard. Next, add the necessary soil amendments and, if necessary, aerate and dethatch. A yard that hasn’t been dethatched in years offers a welcoming environment to weeds, pests, and disease. You may need to consider a team of professionals for this step here.

Step 3. Feed your lawn the right way.

Timing is of the essence when applying fertilizer. Also, neither overdo it nor underdo it when feeding your lawn, as weeds only benefit from such common mistakes. If there is too much fertilizer on your lawn, you up the risk of burning healthy grass and allowing nasty plants to take over. If there is too little fertilizer, your turf won’t have all the necessary nutrients to thrive which can cause it to be overpowered by its competitors, the weeds. Our experts recommend using slow-release products, and if you can switch to organic, more power to you.

Step 4. Mow High.

Not cutting your turf too short is a great way to deter weeds from spawning. Tall grass (2 to 4 inches) prevents sunlight and moisture from reaching the soil and keep weed seeds from germinating. It is estimated that weed seeds sit in soil and patiently wait for the right conditions to spawn by the thousands. Also, most seeds can germinate within a 7-year frame, while some are still in great shape up to 50 years.

Step 5. Water your lawn appropriately.

It is best to water deeply your lawn once a week than to soak it superficially every (other) day. A regular lawn needs around 1 inch of water weekly. Taking a water-weekly approach will prompt your turf grasses to grow deeper and more resilient root systems, which are a natural deterrent to weeds.

Step 6. Research Your Weeds.

There isn’t an honest multipurpose herbicide that can take care of all the types of weeds in your yard. Knowing which weeds dwell in your lawn enables you to develop more effective strategies to fight them off. Also, use herbicides that are especially tailored to the types of weeds that give you the most headaches.

Step 7. Call our experts in lawn care in Great Falls VA.

If all else fails, give our weed control experts a call. We at Green Hill Landscaping have developed several weed control and prevention programs tailored to every type of lawn’s specific needs. Don’t let the weeds win. Request a Free Estimate of our lawn services or give us a call for the fastest service.